上海汉尧仪器设备有限公司专业提供Thermo赛默飞世尔、Perkin Elmer铂金-埃尔默、Varian美国瓦里安等原子吸收仪器上使用的各种型号的***的石墨管。
Part NO Product Description
942339395031 Graphite Cuvettes, Ridged and Uncoated (10) 普通石墨管(10支/盒)
942339395071 Graphite Cuvettes, Ridged and Coated (10) 涂层石墨管(10支/盒)
942339395041 Extended Lifetime Cuvettes (10) 长寿命石墨管(10支/盒)
942349020101 Omega ELC with Platform (10) Omega平台石墨管(10支/盒)
942339395161 Graphite Contact Cones(Zeeman) 石墨锥 (对)
942339395011 Graphite Contact Cones 石墨锥 (对)
美国PE(Pkrkin Elmer)原子吸收光谱仪使用石墨管型号:
Part NO Product Description
B3000641 THGA Tubes, partridged(5) 横向加热石墨管(5支/盒)
B0504033 THGA Tubes, partridged(20) 横向加热石墨管(20支/盒)
B3000653 THGA Tubes with endcaps (5) 横向加热石墨管带端盖(5支/盒)
B3000655 THGA Tubes with endcaps (20) 横向加热石墨管带端盖(20支/盒)
B0504036 THGA Graphite contact cylinder 5 pair 横向加热石墨锥(5对/盒)
B3002102 Modified THGA contact cylinder 5 pair 改进横向加热石墨锥(5对/盒)
B3001264 HGA Graphite Tubes with integrated platforms(20) 涂层平台石墨管(20支/盒)
Part NO Product Description
6310001200 Partition tube, pyro coated (10) 涂层石墨管(10支/盒)
63100012EL Extended Lifetime Cuvettes (10) 长寿命石墨管 10支/盒
6310002600 Omega Coated Platform Tubes (10) Omega 平台石墨管 10支/盒
6310001500 Graphite Tubes Uncoated (10) 普通石墨管 10支/盒
6310001100 Plateau-Type Coated Tubes (10) 骨型涂层石墨管10支/盒
6310001300 Bone-Type Graphite Platform (10) 骨型石墨平台 10支/盒
6310001400 Plateau-Type UnCoated Tubes (10) 骨型普通石墨管 10支盒